March 29, 2020


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2020 Aquatic Invasive Species Treatment: RLIA has again engaged the services of Professional Lake Management (PLM) to develop and implement a comprehensive long term plan for the lake.  Treatment for Curlyleaf Pond Weed and Eurasian Milfoil will be part of the plan for 2020. 2020 On-Shore Cost Sharing Program Deadline: RLIA is again offering a credit to all active members who choose to use Professional Lake Management (PLM), Lake Restoration, or Dive Guys for their
Annual Meeting, News, Turtle Races

March 24, 2020

Free Wood Duck Houses

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RLIA has 19 wood duck houses available to RLIA members. Pete was going to give these out at the last meeting, but since it was cancelled, we are making other arrangements. These are very nice well built houses & already have the bedding in them. If you are interested in one, please email Doug O’Brien [email protected]. We will make arrangements to get them to you. First 19 requests will get them.

March 20, 2020

RLIA Gambling Report – 2020-03

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March 18, 2020

March Meeting Cancelled

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RUSH LAKE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION’S monthly meeting scheduled for Saturday, March 21st, 2020, at the Nessel Town Hall has been cancelled in compliance with MN Department of Health guidelines concerning COVID-19. “Event organizers cancelling or postponing gatherings with 250 or more people, including concerts, conferences, professional and amateur performances or sporting events. Event organizers cancelling or postponing smaller events (those with less than 250 people) that are held in settings that do not allow social distancing
Meetings, News

February 29, 2020

MNDNR Deer Feeding and Attractants Ban

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Feeding and attractant bans are in place across the state to prevent concentrations of wild deer in areas with a higher risk for disease. These bans are precautionary steps the DNR took after deer that tested positive for chronic wasting disease were found both in the wild and on deer farms. Feeding bans encompass wider areas because food sources can concentrate deer and allow for close contact – one of the mechanisms for CWD spread. Deer feeding includes: