Aquatic Invasive Species Program Update
Under the direction of PLM, FreshWater Scientific completed a post treatment Eurasian Watermilfoil Delineation on East and West Rush in mid September. The results showed the treatment done last fall…
2021 On Shore / Dockside Weed Treatment
For on shore/dockside weed treatment please contact:PLM Lake & Land Management Corp.Midwest Region Metro Branch1511 Maras St.Shakopee MN651-383-1150OrLake Restoration Inc.12425 Ironwood CircleRogers, MN 55374763-428-9777RLIA has a positive relationship with both…
RLIA meeting 1-16-21
Any member wishing to join Saturdays meeting at 8:30 am can email me for a zoom invitation [email protected] Thank you Doug OBrien
Gambling Report
Attached here is the official report from the compliance review recently conducted. Note that there were no areas found of significant non-compliance during the scope of this review, good work…