December 19, 2019

Holiday Breakfast pictures

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The RLIA Holiday breakfast was on Saturday Dec 14th at the Grumpy Minnow. We want to thank The Grumpy minnow staff for the hospitality & great food & service. Also a thanks to Steven Rossi for the grand prize photo.
Annual Meeting, Holiday Breakfast, Meetings

December 17, 2019

Grand Prize Winners at the Holiday Breakfast

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Pete and Gae Jarvis were the grand prize winners at the RLIA December meeting/Holiday Breakfast.  Thanks to everyone involved in helping to put on the event.  Also, a big thanks to all those RLIA members who could attend.  Happy Holidays and we look forward to seeing you all in 2020!
Holiday Breakfast, Meetings

December 5, 2019

Upcoming Meeting & Holiday Breakfast

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Our Annual Christmas Breakfast will again be held at Grumpy Minnow on Saturday, December 14th, 2019.  Doors will open at 8:00 AM, a brief meeting at 8:30 AM, followed by a breakfast buffet at 9:00 AM.  Hope you can join us for this merry feast and social event.  PLEASE NOTE:  Cash Bar! Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season to all!
Holiday Breakfast, Meetings

December 3, 2019

On Shore Weed Control

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RLIA voted to contribute $200.00 towards the cost of “on shore” weed control.  This vote was taken at the November 16th, 2019 meeting of the RLIA.   The specifics and requirements of the program contribution are as follows: Members must be current on dues as of 4/15/2020 The contribution applies to one property per membership only Service provider is selected by the member, not RLIA Service is limited to a maximum of 150 feet into the
News, Project Updates

November 20, 2019

New Website Features: Photo Gallery & Classified Ads

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You asked for it, so you got it! Check out the new features recently added… Photo Gallery was recently added to the site for members to share photos of the lake.  Please check out the great work done by talented photographers already willing to share photos.  Also, if you have photos you’d like to share, please do! Classified Ads was also added to the site.  Want to sell something to other RLIA members?  Are you